The first animated film from India is considered to be Ek Anek Aur Ekta, a short traditionally animated short educational film released in 1974 from Doordarshan's Film Division. Doordarshan is a government run public television service in India. The film is presented as a fable meant to teach children the value of unity. After its success, more shorts were produced by Doordarshan. This was the first time that original animated films from India were broadcast on national television in the nation's official language, Hindi.
The first Indian animated television series is Ghayab Aaya, aired in 1986 and directed by Suddhasattwa Basu.
The first Indian 3D animated film was Roadside Romeo, which was a joint venture between Yash Raj Films and the Indian division of the Walt Disney Company. It was written and directed by Jugal Hansraj.
Ek Anek aur Ekta
The song - Ek chidiya, anek chidiya even today is remembered by many. It brings back memories of times when we had only one TV channel, Doordarshan.
The song - Ek chidiya, anek chidiya even today is remembered by many. It brings back memories of times when we had only one TV channel, Doordarshan.